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2022-09-26 Android 在 Android Studio 的 Event Log 有 JDK different warning 』Willy's Fish教學筆記 (85) (0)
2022-08-19 Android 可能踩到的小誤區 Navigation Component set the Fragment Parcelize Argument 』Willy's Fish教學筆記 (31) (0)
2021-04-13 Android RecyclerView with view binding,Kotlin Android Extensions 遷移至 Jetpack view binding 』Willy's Fish教學筆記 (193) (1)
2021-04-13 Android 遷移至 Jetpack view binding,RecyclerView with view binding,findViewById 演化介紹 』Willy's Fish教學筆記 (119) (0)
2021-03-10 Android Studio JDK Setting, Android-Room Error: package javax.annotation.processing does not exist (602) (0)
2020-12-03 Android 一個自訂的動畫評分元件(自製、客製) AnimationRatingBar is a custom widget of RatingBar with Animation.』Willy's Fish教學筆記 (55) (0)
2020-12-02 Android Error: Cannot access XXX which is a supertype of XXX. Check your module classpath for missing or conflicting dependencies 』Willy's Fish教學筆記 (348) (0)
2020-11-13 Android Kotlin MotionLayout 第二個雷坑,View 在 OnSwipe or OnClick 之後 setOnClickListener() 無效。 Programmatically invoke setOnClickListener() not working on MotionLayout』Willy's Fish教學筆記 (420) (0)
2020-11-11 Android kotlin 如何用 CameraX API 自刻一個相機介面 (自製、自訂、客製) ? How to make a camera preview view with custom controls?』Willy's Fish教學筆記 (771) (0)
2020-10-19 Android Kotlin 為什麼在 MotionLayout 中,用程式調用 setVisibility() View.GONE 無效。 Programmatically set visibility not working on MotionLayout』Willy's Fish教學筆記 (429) (0)
2020-09-28 Android 如何自製、自訂、客製,畫出一個 View 元件 (ArrowTooltip) ? How to make a custom view component in onDraw?』Willy's Fish教學筆記 (891) (0)
2020-09-14 Android Gradle 在 Android Studio 怎麼檢查所有的 Warning & Error? How to check all warnings and errors in Android Studio? gradle lint』Willy's Fish教學筆記 (812) (0)
2020-08-04 Android Kotlin 如何取得 (監聽) OKHTTP API 上傳進度,How to get (listener) the progress percentage of network with OKHTTP3 for progress bar?』Willy's Fish教學筆記 (367) (0)
2020-07-23 Android Kotlin APP 應用程式內購買 In-App Billing with Google Play Billing Library 實作教學、範例 example ( similar iOS In App Purchase ) ( 二 ) 』Willy's Fish教學筆記 (1264) (1)
2020-07-22 Android Kotlin APP 應用程式內購買 In-App Billing with Google Play Billing Library 實作教學、範例 example (( Q:Why dose my List of SkuDetail return empty from google?』Willy's Fish教學筆記 (285) (0)
2020-07-20 Android Kotlin APP 應用程式內購買 In-App Billing with Google Play Billing Library 實作教學、範例 example ( similar iOS In App Purchase ) ( 一 ) 』Willy's Fish教學筆記 (2132) (0)
2020-06-10 Android apk 安裝後桌面沒有啟動圖示 (隱藏?),Not show launch icon and not create the shortcut on the desktop after installing from APK』Willy's Fish教學筆記 (1890) (0)
2020-05-21 Kotlin Java 的泛型 method 在 Kotlin 中如何實作? 為什麼會有 Error: Cannot use 'T' reified type parameter.? How to use the Kotlin to make a function of generics just like Java?』Willy's Fish教學筆記 (1441) (0)
2020-04-30 Git / SourceTree 進階』4步驟,教你怎麼把另一個 remote repository 的 commit 加到現在的本地端專案。 How to use the command of cherry-pick from another repository?』Willy's Fish教學筆記 (2116) (0)
2020-04-06 Mac Linux crontab 無法在 shell 中執行 python,出現錯誤 Operation not permitted (930) (0)
2020-01-15 Android Kotlin 自訂義 application 閃退問題:Unable to instantiate application com.base.BaseApplication: IllegalAccessException: void BaseApplication.<init>() is not accessible from java.lang.Class<android.app.AppComponentFactory』Willy's Fish教學筆記 (604) (0)
2020-01-09 Android Jcodec 入門介紹。mp4影音處理,錄製 Byte InputStream to mp4 但畫面快轉?。Record InputStream of byte』Willy's Fish教學筆記 (595) (0)
2020-01-05 Android 更新 2020 Android Kotlin & Java 面試題庫,4年資歷的實戰面試題目,常問58題,Android and Kotlin & Java interview questions 』Willy's Fish教學筆記 (17406) (1)
2019-12-26 Android Kotlin Fragment observes LiveData 的陷阱(Memory Leak) --- Use viewLifecycleOwner as the lifecycleOwner.』Willy's Fish教學筆記 (1986) (0)
2019-12-12 Vue Firebase 的 Firestore DB 多重監聽問題,Vue Component 生命週期 & Js Window Events / Multiple listening Firestore DB of Firebase & Vue Page Component lifecycle 』Willy's Fish教學筆記 (133) (0)
2019-12-12 Vue Linux Nginx 怎麼在 Linux 後台設定 History Mode & 在 Vue Router 中設定 ( Nginx 的設定檔在哪? )。 How to set up History Mode on Linux backend and with Vue Router? ( Where is the configuration file path of Nginx? 』Willy's Fish教學筆記 (605) (0)
2019-12-04 Android Kotlin/Java Jetpack Navigation (三) Destination Back Stack 退回棧, 怎麼一次退回、返回多頁,How to back to multiple pages with the system back button?』Willy's Fish教學筆記 (261) (0)
2019-11-11 Android Kotlin/Java Jetpack Navigation (二) Safe Args 介紹、入門教學 example、sample code 實作範例』Willy's Fish教學筆記 (1065) (0)
2019-11-08 Android XML Jetpack Navigation Error: This navigation graph is not referenced to any layout files(expected to find it in at least one layout file with a NavHostFragment with app:navGraph="@navigation/XXX" attribute』Willy's Fish教學筆記 (701) (0)
2019-11-08 Android Kotlin/Java Jetpack Navigation 介紹、入門教學 example、sample code 實作範例』Willy's Fish教學筆記 (1628) (0)
2019-11-07 Android Kotlin/Java Jetpack Room Warning Error: Schema export directory is not provided to the annotation processor so we cannot export the schema. You can either provide room.schemaLocation annotation processor argument OR set ...』Willy's Fish教學筆記 (117) (0)
2019-11-06 Android Kotlin Jetpack Room 介紹、入門教學 example、sample code 實作範例 』Willy's Fish教學筆記 (1619) (0)
2019-11-06 Android Jetpack WorkManager 介紹、入門教學 example、Kotlin sample code 實作範例 』Willy's Fish教學筆記 (1583) (0)
2019-10-26 Android Kotlin 解決 Gradle DSL method not found: 'kapt()'』Willy's Fish教學筆記 (469) (0)
2019-08-28 Android Kotlin 雷坑!在 Activity 上蓋著 Fragment 並在 Fragment 使用 TabLayout + ViewPager + FragmentPagerAdapter 顯示 Fragments Group ,會導致在 NavigationView + DrawerLayout 切換頁面後無法正常顯示 not show and working , view not display』Willy's Fish教學筆記 (1268) (0)
2019-08-08 Android 介紹 Profiler,效能優化,多執行緒下載 & 上傳 60 張大圖 multiple threads networking 』Willy's Fish教學筆記 (1045) (0)
2019-07-30 Android Agora 介紹、入門教學、實作範例 sample --- 螢幕分享 Screen Sharing --- 接收畫面 ( 二 ) 』Willy's Fish教學筆記 (231) (0)
2019-07-29 Android Agora 介紹、入門教學、實作範例 sample --- 螢幕分享 Screen Sharing ( 一 ) 』Willy's Fish教學筆記 (286) (0)
2019-07-18 Android Agora 介紹、入門教學、實作範例 Real-Time 直播、視訊、通話、互動遊戲 ( 二 ) 』Willy's Fish教學筆記 (768) (0)
2019-07-17 Android Agora 介紹、入門教學、實作範例 Real-Time 直播、視訊、通話、互動遊戲 ( 一 ) 』Willy's Fish教學筆記 (1177) (0)
2019-07-13 冥想、正念、靜觀禪修 - 這些正流行的練習,是否有科學根據、可以帶來什麼好處呢?』Meditation 冥想日誌 (565) (0)
2019-07-13 冥想、正念、靜觀禪修 - 正確方式、簡單的方法、新手入門的第一步該怎麼做』Meditation 冥想日誌 (1204) (0)
2019-07-11 Android 升級API28 Android 9 ( P ) 遇到 java.io.IOException: Cleartext HTTP traffic to *** not permitted & java.net.UnknownServiceException: CLEARTEXT communication *** not permitted by network security policy 』Willy's Fish教學筆記 (5814) (1)
2019-07-10 Android EditText 文字 & 提示 置中、靠左、靠右…無效的坑, textAlignment & gravity not working for text & hint』Willy's Fish教學筆記 (2712) (0)
2019-07-09 Android Drawable 的使用,各式 PorterDuff.Mode 介紹 』Willy's Fish教學筆記 (1204) (0)
2019-07-09 Android 在程式中改變 Drawable 的顏色,How to dynamically change color of Drawable ? ( programmatically )』Willy's Fish教學筆記 (714) (0)
2019-07-08 Android Api 級別升級 28, Android Pie 9.0 遇到 Error:android.util.AndroidRuntimeException: Calling startActivity() from outside of an Activity  context requires the FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK flag. Is this really what you want?』Willy's Fish教學筆記 (760) (0)
2019-06-27 Android 解決 [DuplicatePlatformClasses] Error: xxx defines classes that conflict with classes now provided by Android. Solutions include finding newer versions or alternative libraries that don't have the same problem. 』Willy's Fish教學筆記 (638) (0)
2019-06-25 Android 請將最低目標 API 等級調整為 28,google 強制更新政策,介紹 compileSdkVersion,minSdkVersion,targetSdkVersion』Willy's Fish教學筆記 (10610) (0)
2019-06-21 Android 簡介 arm64-v8a、armeabi-v7a、armeabi、x86、x86_64、mips、mips64,如何減少 apk 大小,so檔的相容 』Willy's Fish教學筆記 (25922) (1)
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